All operating costs of the GOOD ANGEL system are covered from funds separate from the financial donations received. The costs of the launch and operation of the System for the first few years, amounting to CZK 25 million, are paid out of the private funds of the founders, Petr Sýkora and Jan Černý, which they generated from the sale of the PAPIRIUS company. The founders of the foundation, members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board, and their family members are engaged FREE OF CHARGE.
All of the financial donations received from Good Angels in a single month are fully distributed among the beneficiaries as early as on the first business day of the following month. Compliance with all financial rules governing the functioning of the GOOD ANGEL system, which are set out in the Code of Ethics, is regularly audited.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to our community of partners for their tireless support of our work.
Results of Operations
The full results of operations will always be published and easily accessible to the public. Moreover, they will also contain information that is not mandatory in an effort to record the financial management of the company in even greater detail than the law requires.
Annual Reports of the GOOD ANGEL foundation
Financial Partners of GOOD ANGEL
Charitable bequests and others
The activities of Good angel have been kindly supported by:

Jaroslava Valová, Founder and CEO of SIKO KOUPELNY & KUCHYNĚ
“The Good angel project has won us over at SIKO KOUPELNY & KUCHYNĚ, not only because it helps families in challenging life situations, which could happen to anyone of us without prior warning, but also because of its meticulously designed system of targeted support. I firmly believe that this fact will contribute in a major way to the successful recruiting of many more angels. In this way, Good angel challenges an increasing number of people to reconsider their value system, and thus also plays a part in raising the ethical standards of society at large.”
Václav Dejčmar, Investor and Economist; aside from financial and private-equity projects associated with RSJ group, he is also the co-owner of a modelling agency, of the business accelerator TechSquare, and of the non-profit center for contemporary art DOX Prague
“To me, forging a transparent connection between the money of donors and the stories of beneficiaries was a fantastic idea. Good angel not only helps those in need, but also teaches empathy to the general public by drawing attention to the concrete fateful experiences of real people.”

Květa and Šimon Vostří, entrepreneurs
“The Good angel project is simply marvelous, and we have been supporting it as Good angels from the moment in which it was established in the Czech Republic. What is unique about it is that 100 % of the funds raised are being distributed among families in need. We’ve been blessed in our lives, and financing this foundation is a fantastic opportunity to pay it forward.”
Zbyněk Frolík, Dipl. Ing., Founder of Linet spol.s.r.o.
“What an immense pleasure it is for anyone, regardless of their standing in life, to make others happy! A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved; by contrast, when you share happiness, you actually increase the amount of happiness in the world. If you want to feel wealthy, just tally up all of the wonderful things you have that money can’t buy. These are not ideas I’ve come up with myself, but long-held deep truths. I wish the Good angel project to ‘metastasize’ more strongly than all of the cancer in the world.”

Ondřej Fryc, Businessman and Investor
“Good angel is brimming with positive energy of a kind rarely found in charitable foundations. It is self-evident that they do not ‘merely’ provide support to those in need, but that they are engaged in a labor of love. I am excited to have the opportunity to be a part of it.”
Zdeněk Havelka, CPI Property Group, CEO
“We are happy and grateful that we have been able to support the GOOD ANGEL foundation for the past three years. It is great knowing exactly where one’s donation goes to help, down to the last crown. And it is our great pleasure to spread the word among our business partners and employees, many of whom have become Good Angels themselves.”

Tomáš Ságl, Producer and Caterer
“The idea behind GOOD ANGEL always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, and I am overjoyed to see how many people in need receive help from the foundation, and how competently it dispenses that help.
I also sense that the foundation’s staff is hugely engaged and committed. In my view, the work they’re doing cuts to the chase, fills a void, answers a need. You can see a youthful, new way of thinking in many of the decisions and steps that are being made, which are always spot-on. No pointless meetings, no idle chatter – as the people of GOOD ANGEL go about their work, they keep their eye on the ball and thus they accomplish the most ambitious goals. I gladly lend my support to this kind of activity, as it truly makes sense.”
Vladimíra Glatzová, partner, Glatzová & Co.
“I was inspired by the example of Petr Sýkora, who after selling his company decided to leave the business and donate the money he earned and his time to charity. You can see in the Good Angel that it is run by capable people who know how to ensure that donations are used effectively and inspire thousands of people to charity. Importantly, Good Angel does not use money collected from the public to run itself. It is funded by the founders and a special group of sponsors. Small donors can therefore be sure that every last penny of their money reaches the needy and does not get lost along the way in the bureaucratic apparatus. And so, every day, an average of CZK 1 million reaches 5,000 families with sick children from 90,000 regular donors. A Good Angel is just good!”